School Circulars

Summer Vacation

Dear Parents,

It is to inform you that Summer Vacations starts from 29/04/2018 to 20/06/2018 The school reopens on 21/04/2018.

Thank you.

Diwali Vacation

Dear Parents,

It is to inform you that Diwali Vacations starts from 01/11/2018 to 14/11/2018. The school reopens on 15/11/2018.

Thank you.

Christmas Vacation

Dear Parents,

It is to inform you that Christmas Vacations starts from 23/12/2018 to 1/1/2019. The school reopens on 2/1/2019.

Thank you.

Pre Mid Exam

Dear Parents,

It is to inform you that Periodic Test I/ Pre-mid Exam starts from 19/7/2018 to 26/7/2018. The date schedule of the same is mentioned in the almanac for your reference.

Thank you.

Mid Term Exam

Dear Parents,

It is to inform you that Mid Term examination Exam starts from 22/9/2018 to 10/11/2018. The date schedule of the same is mentioned in the almanac for your reference.

Thank you.

Post Mid Exam

Dear Parents,

It is to inform you that Periodic Test II / Post-mid Exam starts from 12/12/2018 to 20/12/2018. The date schedule of the same is mentioned in the almanac for your reference.

Thank you.

Rubella Vaccination

Dear Parents,

School is going to organize a vaccination camp of ‘Rubella’ as per Govt. directive. so kindly give your consent for the same.
Agree for vaccination/ disagree for vaccination.

Thank you.

Annual Function

The Class Teacher
Respected Sir/ Madam

It is our consent to participate our ward for Annual Gathering and the amount of the costume for our child will be born by us. Throughout the Annual Gathering practice session my ward will remain present.

Educational Tour

The Class Teacher
Respected Sir/ Madam

It is our consent to send our ward for educational tour as decided by school authority.

Statement by Parents

Subject: Restriction on using Mobile phone & two wheeler without license.
Respected Principal,

We, the parents of master/miss ____ Std. __ are aware that using mobile phone within school premises is against the statutory regulations issued by the concern department & bringing two wheeler without license to school is against the traffic rules. We agree to abide by the rules of the school & also for actions that would be taken on our ward not observing these rules

Notice Board
CIRCULAR – 2020-21

Dear Parent,
Sunflag School, Bhandara
Greetings to all of you.

We are fully aware that COVID-19 Pandemic has taken a toll on every one’s life and almost brought the world to a standstill and it has created business losses and loss of Employment. Our Sunflag School Management has full sympathy with all of you who are facing this Pandemic situation and also understand the financial constraints faced by few of you besides the loss of education to children.

You are aware that we have declared result online on 19th April 2020 and that school has taken extraordinary steps to impart online education to our dear children enabling them to remain engaged in themselves in academic activities and progress.

In this endeavour our Teaching staff and Non-Teaching staff have done extraordinary work from their homes in preparing educational aids such as Videos, Power Point Presentations, Work Sheets, numerous other tools of teaching virtually and in imparting knowledge consistently. This On-line teaching will start once again which will be informed you soon.

Dear parent, we know that you are fully aware and sensitive to understand that we are required to pay salaries to all the Teaching and Non-Teaching of our staff regularly besides meeting our fixed costs.

Schools income is only through collection of School fee and School does not have any other income sources.

There is a huge outstanding fees pending for the Academic Year 2019-20 and also we did not ask and pressurise you to pay the fees of current year also hence no fees of current academic session is collected till date. It is therefore necessary for the School to collect the outstanding fee to meet the expenses of salary and fixed cost and it is vital for the institution to tide over these unprecedented times.

For your convenience to pay the school fees, School Management has decided

1. Not to hike fees in 2020-21 and keep it same in this academic session like last three years.

2. To collect the fees in four equal instalments from this academic session 2020-21

3. The schedule of mode of payment is enclosed along with this message.

Further, it may be noted that School has to take major health and safety precautions and huge cost is to be incurred towards these measures to avoid spread of Covid 19 among our Staff and children before opening of School.

Our Parents have always extended their support to the School Management at all the times.

Accordingly, you are requested to clear outstanding fee at the earliest. As you are aware that School fees can be paid online through Net Banking. We have already informed the Help Line No. to enable you to clear any of your issues.

It has come to our notice that few persons are misguiding that Fee for the Academic Year 2019-20 is not payable. We request you to please do not fall prey to such misguiding messages since few persons may only have their vested interest and are aiming to create hindrances in the education of our children.

The Vision of school Management is to impart best and quality education to our children and make our children Global Humans. Such Vision can only be achieved through the co-operation of our Parents.

We once again seek your co-operation. We would take this opportunity to thank those parents who have paid up the fees of their wards and helped us in these difficult times.

Finally, we pray that all of you remain safe and healthy.

Yours faithfully,