Principal’s Message

Principal’s Message

Dear Parents and Children,

The world has travelled a long innovative journey of inventing a steam engine to hydrogen and nuclear fuelled jets, thereby bringing a huge change- a change for innovation, pollution free, non-exhausting, faster, comfortable and time saving technology. Educational System has made a paradigm shift and rote learning is now being replaced by skills and innovations. Each child is born with unique potential, this must be identified and nurtured by three important pillars, namely School, Parents and Society giving them proper exposure.

The great Mission and Vision of NEP2020 is to have an exciting, innovative and collaborative experiential learning. If society needs doctors and engineers then equally it needs educators, dynamic entrepreneurs ,fashion designers, researchers, lawyers, farmers, social workers etc. Let the young minds not be bounded by the aspirations and dreams of parents. Let them fly free like independent birds and conquer the world with their passions and vision.

Well said “Only through education can the doors of countless possibilities be opened.” ― Nitin Namdeo

Schooling is just a phase, children need to go through while they are young, but learning does not cease here. In fact, it is an embarkment of a learning journey wherein a foundational platform is created leading to morphication of a caterpillar into a butterfly.

Sunflag School believes that a change is must for survival as stated by “Charles Darwin Theory of Evolution”.

We promise to self-motivate and provide all ethical and moral values that will empower our students to innovate, create and serve our society and our country. According to Mahatma Gandhi – “Be the change you want to see”. We can never be a part of change until we keep our personal “Logos and Egos” apart and accept the need of time. Let’s put our hands together as Teachers, Parents and Administrators to bring a transformation in society and build a strong India.

Mr. Sumit Pandey